Untuk memulai MetaTreasure, hal pertama yang Anda perlukan adalah menyiapkan dompet kripto yang mendukung BNB Smart Chain (BSC). Dompet tersedia baik di komputer desktop maupun di perangkat ponsel cerdas. Anda harus memilih dompet yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
When you're setting up a wallet, be sure to:
√ Download and install only the latest version from an official source.
√ Follow the setup guide carefully.
√ Safely back up your recovery phrases.
X NEVER share your recovery phrases with anyone, under any circumstances.
X NEVER input your recovery phrase to a website or app, other than your wallet app.
Smartphone/Ponsel atau dompet Desktop?
Dompet perangkat seluler dan dompet berbasis desktop memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan yang berbeda. Pertimbangkan mana yang lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda untuk membantu memutuskan jenis dompet yang akan digunakan.
Dompet Smartphone/Seluler memungkinkan Anda mengakses kripto Anda hampir di mana saja. Sebagian besar dompet tersedia di perangkat Android dan iOS.

While there are plenty of crypto wallets in the market these days, MetaTreasure recommends the
usage of MetaMask.

MetaMask adalah plugin dompet berbasis browser yang sangat populer yang mendukung ERC20 (jaringan Ethereum) dan BEP2 & BEP20 (jaringan Binance Beacon Chain dan BNB Smart Chain).
- Open source for auditability
- WEB3 capable on BscScan
- A strong history of security and reliability
- A large amount of how-to guides and resources online
- Many tools and custom settings
- Supports a very large number of languages
- Is also available on mobile devices
- Longer setup time than other options
- Additional steps needed to use with BNB Smart Chain and MetaTreasure
- Extra information and settings may confuse beginners
Download MetaMask (Automatically detects browser)
MetaMask Setup Guide
Setup Guide (Android/iOS)
- Download MetaMask via Google Play Store or AppStore
- Hit the sign-up button and key in your preferred detail
- IMPORTANT – Take note on your Mnemonic Phrase as losing it will mean that you
will not be able to recover your account in case you forgot your password. - And thatʼs it youʼre done
Setup Guide (Chrome)
- Visit MetaMask and hit the Install MetaMask for Chrome

2. You will be brought to the chrome web store, click on the add MetaMask extension button.
3. Hit the sign up button on your MetaMask extension and key in your preferred details.
4. IMPORTANT – Take note on your Mnemonic Phrase as losing it will mean that you will not be able to recover your account in case you forgot your password.
5. And thatʼs it, youʼre all set.