Token Pocket Setting Up and User Guide
Similarly to the MetaMask Wallet, Token Pocket is also a decentralized wallet that allows users to store their various cryptocurrencies safely. Token Pocket is available both on desktop computers and on smartphone devices.
To Get Started
1. Download the Token Pocket app on your mobile device or download the chrome extension.

2. Select create a new wallet and choose the BSC smart chain.

3. Type in your preferred password and hit create.

4. Token Pocket will prompt you to store your recovery phrase in a secured location.
5. Remember your recovery phrase and re-enter your recovery phrase when prompt.
6. Thatʼs it! You have successfully created your Token Pocket Wallet.
Cara menggunakan Token Pocket
Token Pocket adalah dompet sederhana untuk digunakan, karena pengguna akan dapat beralih antar jaringan tanpa perlu mengatur jaringan. Token Pocket telah mendaftarkan sebagian besar jaringan blockchain teratas seperti BNB smart Chain, Ethereum Network, Tron Network, Solona Network Dll.
You will be able to swap between networks by selecting the 3 lines at the top left corner of
the screen. Simply select the BNB Smart Chain to get started on MetaTreasure.

Selain itu, Anda juga dapat memilih node yang Anda inginkan di setiap jaringan. Node yang berbeda mungkin memiliki kemacetan yang berbeda berdasarkan lalu lintas dan penggunaan, oleh karena itu node yang kurang padat dapat menawarkan kecepatan transaksi yang lebih tinggi.
To Get Started On MetaTreasure
Start by clicking the Launch button at the top right corner of the screen. This will automatically launch our dapp on a new tab that requires you users to connect their wallet to start the hunt! Be sure to have enough USDT & BNB to Mint your TreasureBoxes and also pay for transaction fees